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$4.99 / Sold Out

The Heartland Hardware Company is proud to introduce the 1" phillips head COKE N' NUTS! This product is guaranteed to make you feel turnt up, hyphy, mentally alert and is known to temporarily decrease the need for food, family, friends and social media.

COKE N' NUTS is often referred to as Big C, Flake, Base, White Horse, White Lightning, Gutter glitter and Wacky Dust. Do not be fooled. Purchase COKE N' NUTS from a reputable dealer to ensure authenticity and quality.

Each order comes with bells, whistles, fun and games. Packaging for COKE N' NUTS is a surprise and will be chosen from the fifty different designs currently available.

For more information please visit: heartlandhardware.tumblr.com

For wholesale orders, simply contact us regarding pricing and shipping rates.